If you are experiencing any Covid symptoms, please do not attend your appointment.
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Newtown Clinic, 24-26 Lyon Street, Southampton, SO14 0LX
Tel: 023 8029 6040
or 0300 561 2880

Contact Ophthalmology:
Other Services:
The scope of our service is to provide care and advice to patients with Eye Conditions.
The service offers 19 clinical sessions each week seeing a mix of patients with problems such as Glaucoma, Suspected Glaucoma, Ocular Hypertension, Blepharitis, dry eyes & Epiphora and Vitreo-Retinal problems. We also provide a pre and post op assessment service for Cataract surgery.
All our doctors are General Practitioners with a special interest (GPwER) and undergo regular training to ensure they continue to deliver a good standard or care. This is a GPwER led service.
The clinical team is a multidisciplinary team which consists of an Ophthalmology Consultant, GPwER's, an Optometrist, Nurse Specialists, and a team of specially trained healthcare assistants.
The service is supported by our Ophthalmology Administrators who are at the end of the telephone to answer your queries and support the service. Our wait times from receipt of referral are normally less than 4 weeks, and we are always working to reduce this wherever possible.
The service runs from Newtown Clinic which is located in Southampton, close to the Royal South Hants Hospital.
Your Appointment
You will have been referred to our service by your GP through the e-referral service which allows you to book your own appointment or by paper referral from your Optician, in which case we will contact you directly to make your appointment.
Your initial appointment will be for an assessment and a series of comprehensive eye tests. This may take up to 90 mins.
These eye tests may seem similar to those you have undergone at your optician, but the equipment we use can give us a much more detailed work up, which enables our team to provide you with appropriate advice, treatment and care.
During this appointment the doctor will assess your condition and discuss what further treatment is required with you.
Should your condition require a surgical procedure, you will be referred onto another provider or secondary care for this procedure.
If you are unable to attend your appointment, please call 02380 296026 so that this can be rescheduled or offered to another patient.

There is no parking at Newtown Clinic but there are two car parks on the Royal South Hants Hospital site that are within a short walk to Newtown Clinic, which can be accessed via the pedestrian gate (with steps).
Please note that parking charges apply in these car parks.
Alternatively, there are some free parking spaces on Lyon Street and surrounding roads, but these are limited to 2 hours.
There are several bus operators around the City Centre. Please see the bus operator website for specific timetable information or click the link on the map.